Friday, December 14, 2012

Don't break up with your girlfriend

A real man wud never break up with his woman just to be with another woman.

The only reason the new woman seems perfect is because she's showing her good side just to win you over but once ur with her she'll give you her ass to kiss because you severed your other relationship to be with her!
it's like ur putting her on a pedestal and made her an idol. Never make an idol of a woman because she'll treat you like she's ur boss.
She'll want you in her face all day! she'll stop you from seeing your own family members.
And I'm a firm believer in never burning bridges with women or people because You never wanna put yourself in a position where You have to go back and apologize. It makes you look needy!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

How to sell your books

The following story is excerpted from Fred Gleeck’s ezine, Fred Gleeck Insights. Fred is a great marketer

I love New York! One of the days when I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off on the subway I saw this guy hawking something further down the subway car. In my typical NYer style I averted my gaze, hoping not to be accosted to give him money.

Lucky I couldn’t do it. I squinted out of the side of one eye to see what he was selling. In his hands he had a fairly large load of paperback BOOKS. His books, it turns out.

I watched him graciously take a $10 bill from a lady a few seats away from me. I tried to see what the title of the book was with no success. So, I stopped him and asked him what was up.

He told me that for the last 3 years he had been riding the subway every day selling his book. He reported to me (and I have no reason NOT to believe him) that he had sold a tad over 48,000 books. That is not a misprint. He has sold a LOT of books through this ONE channel of distribution.…

Let me do the math for you on this one. He was selling his book for $10 – CASH! I’m sure that he is diligently recording every dollar he makes.… The book was about 120 pages. If he prints 3,000 at a time he probably gets them for around $2. So he’s making $8 on every book.

Since he sells about 15,000 copies a year, that comes out to $120,000 net. Not bad. Given he’s on the train so much I’m sure he has an unlimited travel card which costs him about $40 a week or so.

When people tell me they can’t sell books, I’ll be referring them to this individual. His story was about his experiences as a gang member and I don’t even remember his name because he promised to email me. Hopefully you’ll be hearing more from Mr. X!

Exposure of this kind breeds additional benefits. He told me that he’s been asked to speak at a dozen different universities from Pennsylvania to Europe.

The poet and novelist’s name is BLUE (poet) and Brad Bathgate (novelist). You can read more about eBay

Harlem World Magazine

Harlem World Magazine caught up with the very stylish “Blue,” (aka Brad Bathgate, and aka Street Poet), in front of H & M on 125th Street (between Lenox Avenue and Adam Clayton Powell Blvd.,). Blue has been a fixture in Harlem for the last decade always with books in hand. Don’t let the blue suite fool you he is the author of “Corner Stores in the Middle of the Block,” a collection of original passionate poetry and short stories, and he was published in “Signifying Harlem,” an anthology of poetry.

If you see him say hello and buy a book.
Check them out on eBay

Brad Blue Bathgate: Don't beat your children or they'll turn out like me

Brad Blue Bathgate: Don't beat your children or they'll turn out like me

Don't beat your children or they'll turn out like me

I'm on the 6 train going uptown, and it's like 4:20, 4:30, something like that, and this guy gets on the train carrying a pile of books that he's selling. They're a mix of poetry and fiction — and the poetry looks really good, they're haikus. The book is called Don't Beat Your Children Or They'll Turn Out Like Me. It's acutely perceptive, and sharply satirical. Within a few minutes he's on to the next car, but he tells us all to check him out on Facebook.

Brad Bathgate is something of a force of nature - and you can check out audio or video of him in action here.

According to some reports, Brad Bathgate, AKA Blue, has sold more than 48,000 books on the streets and subways of New York, although he doesn't actually give a number himself. "I stopped counting how many books," he says. However many, they've all been sold solely through the tireless application of his own shoe leather. "That's how I do it," he says, "That's how I make a living." As his official bio states, he also performs at art galleries, museums, lounges, comedy clubs, colleges, universities and poetry venues in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Philadelphia and Baltimore, at times, walking away as open mic winner from the Nuyorican Poetry Café and Jimmy’s Uptown Hottest Poets to name a few.

If you did check out the audio or video of him in performance, it'll come as no surprise to learn that he's a former professional boxer. "I boxed for a while. I like individual sports rather than team sports." Clearly it's a leaning that embodies his writing too. "You gotta be aggressive if you want things in life."

After a childhood spent on the road all over the world as an Army brat, readjustment to American society came as something of a shock, but an experience overall that seems to have heightened his sense of awareness. "When you get outside the box, you get a different perspective," he says. "It just teaches you to see things differently."

He credits a 1998 visit to a poetry reading in Harlem with being the spark that united that insight with the notion of expressing it in words and performance. It's part poetry, part stand up, part verbal assault. "I just go against opinions - trying to find the logic in it," he says. The results are funny, albeit maybe not always for the faint of heart.

"Most people like to play it safe. But life isn't about playing it safe."

You can buy his books: on ebay

And a sample below:
Urban Renewal

Welcome to life is a bitch
And whenever the movie script calls for that urban look
The camera crew comes to my block
And graffiti is always in the background of some cat's portfolio
Sometimes with the letters spray painted in calligraphy
like the font on the cover of the Good book
And survival is the code we live by

But let me tell you something about Black people
We make this struggling shit look easy!
We do it so well we even named a dance after it,
And it was called:
The Hustle!

Highly educated people are a trip

Its funny to me how highly educated ppl and so called spiritual ppl try adding a scientific theory and expiations for bullshit!
like, How is it possible that white Jesus cud walk on water but he cudnt pull 2nails out of his hand?

Check out my books on eBay

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A woman's body

I heard a minister say, and it's true, "a woman's body is fascinating to a man"
But I wud have just said," in one pubic hair a woman has enuff electricity to jump start nyc!"

Why teams get destroyed on road trips.

Have you ever wondered why sports teams get destroyed  when they're playing on road trips?

Cos when the athletes are in a new town, instead of concentrating on their game, all they're really thinking about is how much pussy they're going get.... After the game!
(It's called sleeping on your opponents.)
Boxers do it too by the way... And before you know it, the game is over and everybody is heading on the plane with sad faces! And wondering what the hell happened?

Brad Blue Bathgate: 12/12/12

Brad Blue Bathgate: 12/12/12


Some religions say if you trust in The Lord you'll have ever lasting life!
1st off LORD is a British term and I'm Black. I ain't no fucking Brit!

2ndly, just Imagine living forever! Imagine living to be 80 billion years old. Does that mean you'll still be able to reproduce. And will animals live forever too! And If we keep reproducing and never die then where will we fit?
Maybe that's why scientist keep taking trips to the moon!

Monday, December 10, 2012

I never understood why!

I never understood why Black moms buy their children white doll Babis for Christmas. It's like nanny training

Check out my books on eBay

Know the truth and the truth will make u free

I've been told that many of you may be offended by my recent post here on fb and if so I don't know what to say!!!
I just know I'm not apologizing for my honesty. And if you don't like what I post just delete me!

It's real simple because I'm not gonna lie to you just so you can Like me...
That's what pastors and politicians do!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

White Jesus

Its funny to me how highly educated ppl and so called spiritual ppl try adding a scientific theory and expiations to bullshit!
like, How is it possible that white Jesus cud walk on water but he cudnt pull 2nails out of his hand?

Corner Stores In The Middle Of The Block

Poetry with lyrical humor that brings sunshine to the hood when frowns dominate. Have you ever seen corner stores in the middle of the block, with poverty performing on the corner? If not, then here is an author who aesthetically portrays life through satire. Simple, yet beautifully abstract.
Chris Slaughter, Host of `Brown Stone Books Poetry Readings'

Store; Nearly three decades on the NYC subways and it was the first time I ever saw somebody selling a book. I've seen pretty much everything else being hawked, sold or handed off over the years, and I've pretty much bought everything there is to buy on the subway... But this isn't a confessional. It's a book review, sort of. Yes, I bought a book. The F train had just crossed under the river and a fellow changed cars at East Broadway and came on selling books, one of which had his likeness on the front. By the time BLUE had change cars again at Delancey, I had purchased a signed copy of his book of poetry. I was about 20 pages in by 34th Street and burning though it. Like anything else you buy on the subway, from dope to bootleg Duracells, you never really know what you're going to get. You're taking a risk.

Nothing bootleg about this volume of poetry though, and more like the Everyday Bunny than the phony copper tops, it keeps on going. BLUE was worth the risk. Mix journalism, philosophy, love, lust, NYC urban grime, southern comfort... that will bring you closer to what he's about. On top of that the guy can really turn a phrase. So in all, the best 10 bucks I ever dropped in the tunnels. - ---selling Books on the New York City Subway, John Kremer

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Black neighborhoods

In Hood the Jews own the real estate. The Chinese own the laundromat, the liquor stores, the Chinese restaurants and the soul food restaurants. The Pakistanis own the fried chicken joints. And The a-rab owns the corner stores. And it bugs me out when I hear a Black man loudly boast,"I run this block!"

Corner Sores In The Middle Of The Block

This review is from: Corner Stores in the Middle of the Block: The Urban Look (Paperback)
i met him on Troop ave in friend Tiesha had a little spot where she sold art, cultural product and had poetry readings and music...BLUE stepped to the mic and i will never forget what i heard..he is an inspiration to keep dreams alive...peace BLUE

Black People

It's been known that black ppl will not support another blk persons endeavors if that blk person "appear" to be doing better than they are!
(But I don't care)

Don't Beat Your Children

Don't Beat Your Children Or They'll Turn Out Like Me, is Poetry with lyrical humor that brings sunshine to the hood when frowns dominate. Have you ever seen corner stores in the middle of the block, with poverty performing on the corner? If not, then here is an author who aesthetically portrays life through satire. Simple, yet beautifully abstract.
Chris Slaughter, Host of `Brown Stone Books Poetry Readings'

Nearly three decades on the NYC subways and it was the first time I ever saw somebody selling a book.

I've seen pretty much everything else being hawked, sold or handed off over the years, and I've pretty much bought everything there is to buy on the subway... But this isn't a confessional. It's a book review, sort of. Yes, I bought a book.

The F train had just crossed under the river and a fellow changed cars at East Broadway and came on selling books, one of which had his likeness on the front. By the time BLUE had change cars again at Delancey, I had purchased a signed copy of his book of poetry.

I was about 20 pages in by 34th Street and burning though it. Like anything else you buy on the subway, from dope to bootleg Duracell's, you never really know what you're going to get. You're taking a risk.
Nothing bootleg about this volume of poetry though, and more like the Everyday Bunny than the phony copper tops, it keeps on going. BLUE was worth the risk.

Mix journalism, philosophy, love, lust, NYC urban grime, southern comfort... that will bring you closer to what he's about. On top of that the guy can really turn a phrase. So in all, the best 10 bucks I ever dropped in the tunnels. - ---selling Books on the New York City Subway, John Kremer

Corner Stores In The Middle Of The Block

This review is from: Corner Stores in the Middle of the Block: The Urban Look (Paperback)
Most of the time this kind of poetry has the tendency of being mundane, predictable, and angry, and when you reach the point of utter annoyance insofar as getting bored to tears with this kind of material you end up relegating it into the superfluous junk pile of literature. But this isn't the case with Blue's work. Blue actually holds individuals in the black community culpable for their own actions and his anecdotes paint a cathartic milieu of urban life in the inner city.
In layman's terms Blue demonstrates that everyone is capable of making their own breaks and that passing the blame onto others for misdeeds, shortcomings, and failures does an injustice to ones self and future generations to come.

Also, he successfully romanticizes what I would call Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues", while writing about what I believe are his personal experiences with women, love, romance, lust, capitulation, recalcitrancy, and humorous moments.

A case in point: in the first three lines of his poem called "Hope," Blue wrote:

"Hope is the four letter word that was spoon-fed to the hungry.
Done in an effort to sustain their hunger, temporarily
It's similar to welfare"

He then goes on to illustrate tales about the people in his neighborhood, while describing their dysfunctional behavior in a rather comedic style.

He then writes about a girl named Cinnamon, who just can't seem to get a grasp on things and yet even with her short comings Blue still loves and respects her efforts because even though she falters, she does it out of love for him.

What I liked the most was that Blue doesn't take himself too seriously and he doesn't engage in any racism and inasmuch as social justice is concerned. He places personal responsibility upon the shoulders of inner city society when it comes to certain issues that are within their control, which is a refreshing position to adhere too.

All I can say is, "it has been a long wait for poetry that eloquently travels the Straight Talk Express!"

Outstanding work!!!

Poetry Is Alive

You guys really should be here! It's gonna be on with your dude crazy ass Brad Blue Bathgate...

Something has to change in America!

This white female I know has a pending police desk ticket plus she was caught shoplifting twice in one month
The 1st arrest she was sent to Rikers Island for 5 days. and the 2nd arrest she got out of jail with time served.
Now if that was me, I'd probably be facing the electric chair.
Something has to change in America!


I wonder how many of y'all have porn on ur cellphone web browser. You better delete it b4 ur pastor finds out!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Brad Bathgate

The author caught my attention as he quoted excerpts from his book. I was stopped in my tracks as he spewed poetry/Haikus, about people he observed as they walked by, sat on the train. He was dressed sharp and he was proud of his product. I couldn't he got the attention of everyone that walked passed him. He had stacks of books in his hands and I had to wait my turn to purchase a copy and have him sign it. I got on the train and read...and felt like one of the young ladies in his book as I took a ride on the 'A' train downtown, lol. Blue inspired me even more to write some more poetry of my own...This book confirms that there are numerous stories in the naked city. I was sold as he recited right on time as I walked by: "Twisted" Her locks had me twisted...and once I stopped spinning I found myself, trying to find myself...

'Corner stores in the middle of the block'

"Don't beat your children or they'll turn out like me"

Poetry by brad Bathgate

I bought his book from him, one day while on the train and it was really good. I started reading it while with my son right after He signed it... and the poems had me smiling. A Couple came up to me and asked if the book was 'that good?' I said yes and they said they should had purchased it from him while he was on the train.


Poetry books by brad Bathgate

I bought his book from him, one day while on the train and it was really good. I started reading it while with my son right after He signed it... and the poems had me smiling. A Couple came up to me and asked if the book was 'that good?' I said yes and they said they should had purchased it from him while he was on the train.

Corner Stores in the Middle of the Block:

Most of the time this kind of poetry has the tendency of being mundane, predictable, and angry, and when you reach the point of utter annoyance insofar as getting bored to tears with this kind of material you end up relegating it into the superfluous junk pile of literature.
But this isn't the case with Blue's work. Blue actually holds individuals in the black community culpable for their own actions and his anecdotes paint a cathartic milieu of urban life in the inner city.
In layman's terms Blue demonstrates that everyone is capable of making their own breaks and that passing the blame onto others for misdeeds, shortcomings, and failures does an injustice to ones self and future generations to come.
Also, he successfully romanticizes what I would call Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues", while writing about what I believe are his personal experiences with women, love, romance, lust, capitulation, recalcitrancy, and humorous moments.
A case in point: in the first three lines of his poem called "Hope," Blue wrote:
"Hope is the four letter word that was spoon-fed to the hungry.
Done in an effort to sustain their hunger, temporarily
It's similar to welfare"
He then goes on to illustrate tales about the people in his neighborhood, while describing their dysfunctional behavior in a rather comedic style.
He then writes about a girl named Cinnamon, who just can't seem to get a grasp on things and yet even with her short comings Blue still loves and respects her efforts because even though she falters, she does it out of love for him.
What I liked the most was that Blue doesn't take himself too seriously and he doesn't engage in any racism and inasmuch as social justice is concerned. He places personal responsibility upon the shoulders of inner city society when it comes to certain issues that are within their control, which is a refreshing position to adhere too.

All I can say is, "it has been a long wait for poetry that eloquently travels the Straight Talk Express!"

Outstanding work!!!

Why people shoot dope

The main Reason people shoot dope is because they get tired of the chase and comrodery that goes with courting the opposite sex for sex! Plus the drug high last longer orgasm! And orgasm last 3 seconds. And a heroin high last an hour or more.

black men are intimidated by Black women

The same way the slave master beat the shit out of their Black slaves to keep them in check is the same way Black mothers beat the shit out of their sons (verbally too) and that's why Black men are intimidated by Black women today!

The reason people cheat

Men cheat cos the female wants to have sex all of the time and she probably burnt him out! and he also gets boarded with the same ole' sexual partner night after night... and he might want to try something new .
Women cheat cos her man doesn't sex her enough or like he use to when they first started dating. That's why she starts to get cracky, and nags all of the time! And before you know it they can't stand the site if each other.

Black women are too bossy

The rapper GAME was taking a 1day trip to France for a 100 thousand payday and his wife to be, was upset that GAME's female assistance was going along but she is not!

I'm sorry but if I'm getting paid 100 G's for one day and the misses is riffing- then we're gonna have a problem.

Love at first site