Don't Beat Your Children Or They'll Turn Out Like Me, is Poetry with lyrical humor that brings sunshine to the hood when frowns dominate. Have you ever seen corner stores in the middle of the block, with poverty performing on the corner? If not, then here is an author who aesthetically portrays life through satire. Simple, yet beautifully abstract.
Chris Slaughter, Host of `Brown Stone Books Poetry Readings'
Nearly three decades on the NYC subways and it was the first time I ever saw somebody selling a book.
I've seen pretty much everything else being hawked, sold or handed off over the years, and I've pretty much bought everything there is to buy on the subway... But this isn't a confessional. It's a book review, sort of. Yes, I bought a book.
The F train had just crossed under the river and a fellow changed cars at East Broadway and came on selling books, one of which had his likeness on the front. By the time BLUE had change cars again at Delancey, I had purchased a signed copy of his book of poetry.
I was about 20 pages in by 34th Street and burning though it. Like anything else you buy on the subway, from dope to bootleg Duracell's, you never really know what you're going to get. You're taking a risk.
Nothing bootleg about this volume of poetry though, and more like the Everyday Bunny than the phony copper tops, it keeps on going. BLUE was worth the risk.
Mix journalism, philosophy, love, lust, NYC urban grime, southern comfort... that will bring you closer to what he's about. On top of that the guy can really turn a phrase. So in all, the best 10 bucks I ever dropped in the tunnels. - ---selling Books on the New York City Subway, John Kremer
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